Chair Pete Ludé called the meeting to order at 10:00 am on Saturday, November 18, 2023. The meeting was held via Zoom conference.
Board Members Present via Zoom: Robin Frenette, David Gooding, Karen Celia Heil, Joel Keebler, Phoebe Leigh-Suelflow, Tyler Stamets, Lani Way, and Andrea Zelones
Board Members Absent: Ashley Readel
Officers, Coordinators and Members Present: Theresa Gooding (President), Pete Ludé (Executive Director), Ted Kuster (VP Regional Activities)
Officers, Coordinators Absent: Debbie Wendt (VP Membership), Darby Brandli (VP Youth Program)
Guests Present: None
The agenda was approved.
October 15, 2023, Meeting Minutes Ver 2 approved.
APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA: Consent Agenda approved as circulated.
Fall Campout (Oct 2023)
Viewed estimate spreadsheet – the event had positive financial results.
South State 48 Report
Target revenue budget based on room night rebates, which exceeded budget for room nights, we did great. 226 rooms compared to our contracted block of 220. $1900 in sponsorships, beer & wine sales more than double, paid for youth rooms, positive cash flow of $2k. The workshops went well and large jams.
Discussion: Ms. Frenette mentioned very good diversity, youngin’s playing with older folks and photos have been uploaded to the website. Ms. Way-It was great that we can have a free event. Mr. Ludé-Thanks to David Cupp and Robin for great pictures showing diversity. Ms. Hargrave looked at dates and November 1st (Halloween) or Veteran’s Day the following week. We need to figure out which weekend. Fairfield is owned by same hotel people and only a block away. Mr. Kuster mentioned it was a very expensive hotel. We need to discuss possible future scholarships and decide whether we should keep it small. There were discussions of other hotels and camping. Ms. Frenette mentioned maybe get more rooms in the courtyard to prevent wedding issues on Thursday. Mr. Gooding-Thanks to Donna for all the info in the consent agenda.
Great 48
We sold out the Marriott. We committed to a lower number of rooms, and they gave us more rooms outside our room block for the same room rate. Friday night concert and open mic, followed by two showcase bands: Whiskey Deaf Duet (Annie Staninec and John Kael) and Red Dog Ash. Free workshops Saturday and curated jams. Gospel jam on Sunday. Four ticketed events that are optional. Saturday night Earl Scrugg’s Centennial concert (90% sold out). featuring all-star band led by Bill Evans, with Peter Rowan and Herb Pedersen as special guests. Peter Rowan is doing a workshop on songs and stories Saturday at Noon, which we hope will be popular. Two super sessions Friday at 3:30 PM Jim Nunally on guitar, and Bill Evans on Banjo in the ballrooms. Peter Werneck Jam Class workshop being presented by Mike & Gail, with CBA participation.
Discussion: Mr. Gooding-Get the word out about the Great 48 concerts and workshops. Mr. Kuster will get the Regional Directors to promote the workshops. Ms. Leigh-Suelflow said Peter Rowan has been doing these workshops for years (Merle Fest).
Father’s Day Festival Status
Contracts are coming in. Meeting w/Matt & Luna later this month. FD Advisory group meeting coming up. Website, band announcements and ticket sales start December 1st. The festival team is finalizing equipment storage plans, potential late-night Friday and Saturday concerts, ticket prices, and many other details.
TAG (Talent Advisory Group)
10 main stage and 5 bands for California showcase. Haven’t heard a response back regarding square dance (Karen say’s no matter what, we’ll have one). TAG reports that contracts are within budget.
Mr. Ludé noted due to significant pricing increases for Fairgrounds rental, Ticket prices are going up. Presale member tickets remain close to last year, all other tickets have gone up. Camping and ticket prices have gone up. Presale and senior tickets remain about the same. Everyone will have a camping or pre-festival wrist band. $80 per person (not per car) pre-festival includes a tent/car each. $80 is for tent trailers or Class C camper vans.
Marketing and Promotion
Ad in Bluegrass Unlimited. Dec 1st for website launch. We’re working with Community Boost for a digital campaign, a newly identified PR agent – Heidi Labensart for publicity. February 1st exploring street teams. Strategies for boosted posts in March. Working w/local chamber of commerce to get banners and flyers posted around town.
Bylaws update status
Circulated the draft a month ago. 80% completed. Bob Schwartz looking at it (legal counsel). Internal team will work on comments and get them to the lawyers.
Annual Report
Goal is to show our membership, our sponsors, donors, and grant programs what we do and why they should support us. Discussion of specific report topics that should be included. Talking w/printer about increasing to 20-24 page version like a magazine (more photos, graphics, and charts instead of words).
Feral Friday Square Dance
Mr. Paul Knight advised us regarding acquiring a sound system.
Discussion: Ms. Way-Is this a CBA event or a regional event? Ms. Heil-It is sponsored by CBA and it is a regional event. CBA is insuring the event, ASCAP BMI, and CBA is promoted at all events. Ebonie is helping her with figuring out finances. Goal is to break even; bigger goal is to share monies with CBA. Ms. Heil is the Producer, CBA the sponsor. Mr. Ludé-We need to work on procedures for insurance. Mr. Ludé-We need to finish up procedures for a fully produced CBA versus a regional event. Spreadsheet from last year with 8 different events in the model. We need to revisit the spreadsheet and finalize.
After a brief closed session to discuss volunteer policies, the agenda was completed. The next meeting has been previously scheduled for Sunday, December 16 by Web conference.
There being no further agenda items, the meeting was adjourned at 12:26pm.