by robin | Aug 25, 2023 | Announcements
Frank Solivan Sr, Founder Of Kids On Bluegrass, Banjo Player, & Fisherman Frank Solivan, Sr., who changed the future course of bluegrass music when he organized onstage children’s performances at festivals, died today following a serious vehicle accident earlier...
by Dave Berry | Jul 30, 2023 | Announcements, Coming Event(s), Regional News
Bright Star the Musical at Castro Valley Center for the Arts I was recently made aware by bluegrass promoter and proponent Maria Nadauld about the upcoming production of the bluegrass musical Bright Star put on by the Castro Valley Arts Foundation at their Castro...
by Dave Berry | Jul 13, 2023 | Announcements, Coming Event(s), General News, Home Page Article
As readers surely are aware, there will be a CBA Founders Celebration remembrance event for Carl Pagter at the Fairfield Community Center on Saturday, July 22. Featured performers will be Ed Neff & Blue Lonesome, the Caleb Klauder-Reeb Willms Bluegrass Band, and a...
by Dave Berry | Jun 26, 2023 | Announcements, Coming Event(s)
The West Marin Fiddle Camp is coming up from Sunday, July 16 to Saturday, July 22. I spoke with Irena Eide, aka Rainy Eyes, who is putting together this relatively new and largely undiscovered gem of a camp with a variety of highly qualified instructors across...
by robin | May 4, 2023 | Announcements
New initiative provides interim emergency financial assistance to qualified artists and music professionals whose needs are the result of an unforeseen, catastrophic illness or incident, and who lack the resources to meet that situation SAN FRANCISCO, CA (May 03 2023)...
by robin | Feb 4, 2023 | Announcements
John, Josh, and Dave Gooding are featured in February edition of The Bluegrass Standard. Stories by Kara Martinez Bachman begin on Page 26. Photos by CBA Photographers Bob Free and Robin...