There are a bazillion bluegrass song books on the market. We’ve provided links to the descriptions of some, along with links for buying the products. It’s great having a library of song books; just make sure you know what you’re getting before you invest the month. >BACKPOCKET BLUEGRASS SONGBOOK–by Wayne Erbsen: Words, music & chords to 40 classic bluegrass tunes, plus illustrations. 57 pp BACKPOCKET OLD TIME SONGBOOK–by Wayne Erbsen: Words, music, & chords to 40 fine old-time classics. Lots of witty annotations & illustrations. BLUEGRASS COMPLETE–A very comprehensive collection of 90 bluegrass standards, including “Dixie,” “Foggy Mountain Top,” “John Henry,” “Mule Skinner Blues,” “Wabash Cannonball,” “Beautiful Brown Eyes,” “Corrina” and more. BLUEGRASS FAKEBOOK–by Bert Casey: Improved and back in print! Words, chords, and melody lines for 150 jam session favorites, including 50 gospel tunes. Printed in large easy to read type. Each page has a listing of several recorded versions of each song. With chords charts for guitar, banjo and mandolin. 153 pp. BLUEGRASS FAVORITES SONGBOOK–by Joe Morrell: Words and chords to over 100 top bluegrass songs. Chord charts for guitar, banjo, and mandolin. 56 pp. BLUEGRASS FAVORITES SONGBOOK 2–by Joe Morrell: Words and chords to over 100 top bluegrass songs. Chord charts for guitar, banjo, and mandolin. 32 pp. BLUEGRASS PICKER’S TUNE BOOK–compiled by Richard Matteson, Jr.: A must for all bluegrass pickers! Included are the melody line and chords to over two hundred favorite gospel and bluegrass songs. Detailed information about the origins and performers is given for each song as well as the history and development of the bluegrass genre. The lyrics are large and easy to read. Beginners. 247 pp. BLUEGRASS SONGBOOK–by Pete Wernick: Excellent collection. Melodies notated in a unique guitar/banjo/dobro tablature. Tips on singing from top bluegrass stars. Note: two songs, “Fox on the Run” and “(It’s A Long Long Way) To the Top of the World,” include only the lyrics. 128 pp. The Really Good Book of Standard Bluegrass Lyrics–by Jack Tuttle: This book is a concise bluegrass lyrics book with 418 of the most common bluegrass songs. It is a very user-friendly, spiral bound, 112 page book in 8 ½ X 11 format. There are three or four songs on each page, but it’s very readable. There are however, no chords or melody in the book, so you need to know the song to make use of it. Big Print Song–From the ToneWay People: Never squint at small lyrics again! The Third Edition of Big Print Songs includes over 200 favorite songs arranged in alphabetical order.